Agile – How should I break this user story into tasks


I am trying to understand how to create user stories and tasks. I have read articles stating that you should create small user stories and they should be a "vertical slice" of functionality instead of a "horizontal slice".

I have a user story:

As a buyer I want to add items to the shopping cart so that I later can buy the items.

From my understanding tasks should be the things you have to do in order to complete this user story. Am I right if the tasks should also be created as "vertical slices" instead of "horizontal". Instead of creating a task for "create shopping cart model" I would have a task "Update shopping cart service to be able to add products".

But with that task I only have one task, is it to big, should it be broken down in another way? Is it bad that a user story only have one task?

Best Answer

Yes, user story says what you want to achieve, the tasks say how you go about making that happen.

In this case, for example. The tasks could be 'add item to cart UI button', 'check stock levels', 'get user account', 'update temporary cart', 'update user account last-bought list' etc.

Its possible some of those shoudl be part of a different user story, but I wouldn't worry too much about crossing every t and dotting every little i, the important thing to focus on with agile is getting it done, not working the bureaucracy.