Agile – How to choose an agile methodology


I'm working in a little firm about 10 developpers,
we are working a kind of agile way but knowledgeless and without formalism.
I think be aware of what are agile method, what can they afford to us, may render more productive our products.
However there is a lot of agile method, which could be the simplest to "learn"?

  • Rapid Application Development
  • Dynamic systems development method
  • Scrum
  • Feature Driven Development
  • Extreme programming
  • Adaptive software development
  • Test Driven Development
  • Crystal clear

Best Answer

I think scrum is probably the most widely practiced methodology currently, probably because it doesn't prescribe the details of writing software, just how to manage your process. Then you cherry pick what makes sense for your team from the more programming-specific methodologies like XP. Scrum also contains a retrospective after every iteration, where you can talk about what you like and don't like about the process and make adjustments to make it fit your team better. Even the other scrum teams at our company do things somewhat differently than ours, even though we are all practicing "scrum" and started our first iterations very similar to each other.