Agile – Estimating Sprint Velocity with Varying Team Capacity


We are a small team of 4 devs rather green in Scrum. Coming from all over the country, we often take odd days off or whole weeks off to go home. Therefore our team capacity changes dramatically from one iteration to another due to annual leaves, which leads to very different velocities from one iteration to another. How do we account for team capacity when estimating velocity at the Planning Meeting? Historical data will reflect very different capacities and we cannot wait one whole year to derive an average for our estimate velocity.

Best Answer

It might be a simple approach, but why don't you calculate your velocity as completed story points * capacity or completed story points / capacity, depending on how measure capacity. If you measure capacity in man-hours, use the second. If you measure capacity as a percentage of a 40-hour week, use the first. When you go to pull off story points, you should have a good idea about your capacity for a given sprint, and use your project's historical data to determine the story points completed for a given load.

However, this makes some potentially dangerous assumptions, such as treating all employees as equal - if your most junior developer takes a week off or the developer with the most experience in the domain and/or technologies takes a week off, your capacity will be the same numeric value, but the impact on velocity would probably be different.

Ultimately, use professional judgement based on historical data when planning a sprint. In this case, use previous velocity as an input into some other estimation scheme, involving the team. I would also err on the side of caution - it's easier to pull more work into a sprint than it is to remove a commitment to do a task.