Agile – How to Explain the Need for Planning in Agile Teams


This week at work I got agiled yet again. Having gone through the standard agile, TDD, shared ownership, ad hoc development methodology of never planning anything beyond a few user stories on a piece of card, verbally chewing the cud over the technicallities of a 3rd party integration ad nauseam without ever doing any real thinking or due dilligence and architecturally coupling all production code to the first test that comes into anyone's head for the past few months we reach the end of a release cycle and lo and behold the main externally visible feature that we have been developing is too slow to use, buggy, becoming labyrinthinly complex and completely inflexible.

During this process "spikes" were done but never documented and not a single architectural design was ever produced (there was no FS, so what the hell eh, if you don't know what you are developing, how can you plan or research it?) – the project passed from pair to pair, each of whom only ever focused on a single user story at a time and well the result was inevitable.

To resolve this I went off the radar, went (the dreaded) waterfall, planned, coded and basically didn't swap off the pair and tried as much as I could to work alone – focusing on solid architecture and specifications rather than unit tests which will come later once everything is pinned down. The code is now much better and is actually totally usable, flexible and fast. Certain people seem to have really resented me doing this and have gone out of their way to sabotage my efforts (possibly unconsciously) because it goes against the holy process of agile.

So how do you, as a developer, explain to the team that it is not "un-agile" to plan their work, and how do you fit planning into the agile process? (I'm not talking about the IPM; I'm talking about sitting down with a problem and sketching out an end-to-end design that says how a problem should be solved in sufficient detail that anyone who works on the problem knows what architecture and patterns they should be using and where the new code should integrate into existing code)

Best Answer

I think (and I may be going out on a limb here) that ALL projects should have a bit of classic waterfall: The initial analysis and specification phase is essential. You must know what you are doing, and you must have it in writing. Getting the requirements in writing is difficult and time consuming, and easy to do badly. That's why so many skip it - any excuse will do: "Oh we do agile so we don't need to do that." Once upon a time, before agile, it was "oh I'm really clever and know how to solve this, so we don't need to do that." The words have changed a bit but the song is essentially the same.

This is of course all bull: You have to know what you are to do - and a specification is the means by which developer and client can communicate what is intended.

Once you know what you have to do - sketch out an architecture. This is the "get the big picture right" part. There is no magic solution here, no one right way, and no methodology that will help you. Architectures are the SYNTHESIS of a solution, and they come from partly inspired genius, and partly hard-won knowledge.

At each of these steps there will be iteration: you find things wrong or missing, and go fix 'em. That's debugging. It's just done before any code got written.

Some see these steps as boring, or not needed. In fact, these two steps are the most important of all in solving any problem - get these wrong and everything that follows will be wrong. These steps are like the foundations of a building: Get them wrong and you have a Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Once you have the WHAT (that's your spec) and the HOW (that's the architecture - which is a high-level design) then you have tasks. Usually lots of them.

Bust the tasks up however you want, allocate them however you want. Use whatever methodology-of-the-week that you like, or that works for you. And get those tasks done, knowing where you are heading and what you need to accomplish.

Along the way there will be false trails, mistakes, problems found with the spec and the architecture. This prompts things like: "Well all that planning was a waste of time then." Which is also bull. It just meant you have LESS foul-ups to deal with later. As you find problems with the high-level early days stuff, FIX THEM.

(And on a side issue here: There is a big temptation I've seen over and over to try to meet a spec which is expensive, difficult, or even impossible. The correct response is to ask: "Is my implementation broken, or is the spec broken?" Because if an issue can be sorted out quickly and cheaply by changing the spec, then that is what you should do. Sometimes this works with a client, sometimes it does not. But you won't know if you don't ask.)

Finally - you must test. You can use TDD or anything else you like but this is no guarantee that at the end, you did what you said you would do. It helps, but it does not guarantee. So you need to do final test. Thats why things like Verification and Validation are still big items in most approaches to project management - be that development of software or making bulldozers.

Summary: You need all the up-front boring stuff. Use things like Agile as a means of delivery, but you can't eliminate old-fashioned thinking, specifying, and architectural design.

[Would you seriously expect to build a 25-story building by putting 1000 laborers on site and telling them to form teams to do a few jobs? Without plans. Without structural calculations. Without a design or vision of how the building should look. And with only knowing that it is a hotel. No - didn't think so.]