SCRUM – Handling High Priority Maintenance Tasks on Short Notice


currently shifting to SCRUM, we wonder what should be done exactly in the specific case :

Our analytics team need some script to be updated on the site we're managing. It occurs on a regular basis (possibly several times a month), but with no exact schedule, and they require this to be done "ASAP". This somewhat "emergency" wouldn't allow us to use the normal process for devs which would imply to have it in the product backlog in order to put in in the sprint backlog during sprint planning meeting. But this is not an incident neither and from what I understood incidents are the only tasks that should enter the sprint backlog during the sprint (we have a contingency for that). Shortenning the sprints wouldn't be an option neither as they're already only 2 weeks long and for most of the tasks this is very appropriate. What are our options ?

Thanks !

EDIT : I need to mention SCRUM is not an alternative here (or actually is the only one we can use). We're in a big corporation deploying agile methodologies and enforcing SCRUM. DevOps Teams using scrum are just the end of a End-to-End delivery model based on SAFe, with a whole process before an item makes it to the product backlog (which is defacto less AGILE than what it should, but as simple employees we don't get to choose, "empowered" is more a good intention than reality…). In other words, if the answer implies switching methodology, we can't really apply it, especially as SCRUM fits well for most of our tasks, only a few don't quite find their place in this model…

Best Answer

If you get more of those tasks, maybe KANBAN would be a better alternative, but you seem set for SCRUM, so lets see what you can do inside SCRUM:

SCRUM has a so-called impediment list. That's a list of all things that's keeping people from being productive. Such a task has not been planed in the sprint and doing it instead of working on the sprint goal is an impediment.

On the other hand, it seems that this indeed is a planned task. You could have a backlog item that says "handle requests from analytics" that you plan into every sprint.