Agile – In agile (scrum), how do you go about breaking down a user story


In agile (scrum), how should one ideally break down things into a user story.

The team size is about 6 developers if that makes a difference, and iterations are 3 weeks.

Is breaking a user story with points and hours considered agile, or is it ONLY user points for a given user story?

Should we break a user story into tasks also?

In the actual workflow for a user story, you have things like:

  1. requirement gathering
  2. review of the user story by managers etc.
  3. qa related tasks in the user workflow

How are these things handled in a agile environment?

Best Answer

A user story is typically created from a need expressed by the client or potential user of the system. It's often of the format "As a {role}, I want {goal} so that {benefits}". The collective set of user stories capture the functionality desired in the system that is being built. The customer or customer representative prioritizes each user story, typically based on the value added by having the functionality specified in the story.

Once written, user stories are sized and estimated. There are a number of techniques to do this. The most common method of estimation that I've seen is the amount of effort needed to complete the task, in arbitrary values. There's a base unit that everyone can agree on, and use this as a common framework for providing estimates as to the effort required. I've seen these as being unitless values called "story points", but I don't see why you couldn't also estimate the user story in hours. The key is to be consistent across all user stories.

For the first iteration, the team estimates how many story points they can complete in a given iteration and move up to that number of points into the backlog for an iteration. If you are estimating in hours, then you can determine how many hours your development team will dedicate to the project during the iteration and pull down that many hours worth of work. After the iteration, you determine how many points or hours that you actually completed and pull down that amount of work for the next iteration.

During the entire process, your overall backlog of stories is changing. Features might be removed, new features can be added, or the priority can be changed. However, none of this affects the work that was pulled down for the current iteration. Only between iterations should you adjust what you are working on. You will typically either have an on-site customer representative or someone who can act as voice of the customer and is in contact with the appropriate people from the customer's organization. They are continually refining the requirements and acceptance criteria throughout the project.

How you further break down user stories into tasks is up to you. It might be an undocumented preference of the engineer, or there might be a detailed analysis of exactly what each user story entails. That's something that needs to be specified by tailoring the process to meet the needs of your organization, team, and project.

You should have a definition of done, which can be used to determine when a particular user story is shippable. This defines everything from design, implementation, testing, quality assurance, acceptance criteria, and documentation. You can specify what tools and methods you use to ensure that a given feature as specified by a user story is done. Once a user story is done and integrated, the product should be in a potentially-shippable state, meaning that packaging it and delivering it to the customer would add some value to their operations or meet some of their needs.

Ultimately, you need to tailor the processes to work for your organization, team, and project. Doing anything "by the book" is usually a recipe for problems. Just because something has been documented and works well for certain teams working on certain projects doesn't mean that it fits everything that you need it to do.

You might be interested in this InfoQ article on user story estimation as well as Scott Ambler's Introduction to User Stories.