Agile – In Agile, should I create a code-review task


My team uses Agile as a development approach. Currently, each task has four states which are todo, in progress, testing, and done.

We've just started doing code reviews, and I wonder if I need to create a code-review task or I should add time for code-review to the estimation?

Best Answer

Reviews are part of the work that needs to be done to bring a task to completion, just like implementation and testing. For that reason, the review effort should be included in the estimation for the task.

As you already have different states for implementation and testing, it makes sense to add an additional state to indicate that the code for a task is being reviewed.

On a side note, if you find that implemented tasks often can't be picked up immediately for review or testing (because the other team members are busy on other tasks), you might want to add kanban-like "waiting states" to your tasks, like "ready for review" and "ready for testing". This can make it clear if there might be a bottleneck in the review and/or test phases, by having a pile up of tasks in the "ready for" states. It also means that the one who wrote the code doesn't have to assign a reviewer/tester (or ask around for one), but anyone with a spare moment can pick up a pending review/test task.