Agile Project Management – Flexible Approach for Time Estimates


As someone who's worked effectively with Agile before, I am trying to convince my current employers of its benefits. However, management are insistent that we retain the ability to make upfront estimates in order to assess the business value of projects.

Most of my customers are internal, and I was recently tasked with going round teams and asking them for ideas on business processes to automate. I was then to find out how much time this was taking them, work out how much time the solution would save and estimate the total development time. That way, managers could attempt to measure how effective a solution was likely to be in terms of time saved.

However, it looks to me like there's no way to approach this requirement in an "Agile" way. Flexible requirements means that not only will estimates of time taken be wrong, so will estimates of potential time saved. I explained as much, explained why it was likely to be problematic, but was told it was non-negotiable.

The question How to sell Agile development to (waterfall) clients has some useful advice on how to "sell" Agile to external customers. I'm not trying to sell it to external clients: I'm trying to work out how I can best reconcile the demands of internal management while retaining a methodology I believe works well.

Is there any way to approach this task in a flexible manner which allows me to retain at least some Agile benefits?

Best Answer

As other answers have stated, Management has every right to get a high level estimate upfront of a project. They are not unreasonable for trying to determine ROI.

One of the approaches that I like about Agile however is that the scope of a project is not fixed. It can be initially sized out at the Feature and Epic level, then business can determine ROI based on what are the most important features. Maybe the fancy UI with bells and whistles has low business value, but the workflow engine for handling claims has a high ROI.

When you lump the whole project together then it harder to meet ROI than if you focus on the critical business functionality that is desired.

Here is a way that I have done this:

Take your WBS milestones and turn each of these into a deliverable feature

This allows you to categorize your project into mini subprojects that have varying business value. Each of these should stand on their own in terms of business value.

T-Shirt Size the Effort on Features

This is a very easy way to get a rough idea about how big or involved a particular feature might be. Perhaps low value features still have a great ROI if they look like easy wins.

Break Down a Feature into Stories

Go through the exercise to find a small feature that is well understood and break it down into stories initially. Estimate these stories by points. Now you have a basis where

Small -> 40 points

This will be a basis of comparison to other features

Associate story point effort to all Features

Compare your Small Feature to other features. For example,

Medium Feature Y feels like it is twice the size and effort of Small Feature X of 40 story points.

Medium Feature Y is probably 80 story points. Continue this until you have story points estimated at a high level for all features.

Estimate your Team Velocity

Looking at your development team, try to determine how many story points could this team effectively deliver in a given sprint. If you have previous Agile projects as an example with this team that is a great place to start. If you do not have such history behind the team then go through a mock Sprint Planning with your team where you start looking at your Small feature that you have detailed out. What kinds of hourly estimates are people giving for their tasks on these stories?

Based on how much work the team thinks they can deliver in 2 weeks, use that total story point number as the average potential velocity of your team!

Find your Projected Completion Date

If your team in mock sprint planning feels comfortable delivering 25 story points in a sprint, and your total backlog looks like 300 story points for the gold Cadillac version of your project, then it looks like your team would ideally take 12 sprints or 24 weeks to complete everything.

Now it is trivial to turn cost of resources on your team into dollars per week to arrive at a cost for ROI vs. Business Value. The negotiation can continue on what the most important features are and then your project management becomes basically a Knapsack Problem.

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