Agile – Is the Product Owner Also a Developer?

agilegame developmentscrum

I'm confused about the PO's responsibility here. I was a developer on a Game Feature Team, but also a PO. The daily work of the developer is almost full time, so I have to work over time to take care my PO duty, and the responsibility of PO seems to be against developer's thoughts.

As a PO, I will chose more features next sprint. Otherwise, I will tell myself not to do so, because I'm a team member to develop those features. This situation makes me confused, so I want to hear some ideas from you guys.

I'm a new to Scrum and Game Dev (about 1 and half year), and also new to here and English.

Best Answer

It might seem as a bit akward but there really shouldn't be any reason for these roles to be combined. For one, someone has trusted you with this role, therefore your team has to respect that. Secondly you are now in a position where you can prioritze the work that has to be done so you can always explain why things are going the way they are. Third, you are in the team so you are carrying you share of the workload. Finally, it is a job, if you have to work hard that's fine. A team always needs to remember to add value to their project, it's not about free hand out's.

What it comes down to is "Have you got the goods to make these decissions?" If you think you have, do it!

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