Agile – “Release Early Release Often” for Android and iPhone Apps

agileandroidcontinuous-deliveryextreme programmingiphone

I wanted to know the experiences others have about doing the Agile way of "Release Early, Release Often" with iPhone and Android Apps. Its not a problem with webapps as the update happens at the server and user does not have to do anything specific for updates

It may not be a big problem with Android, as the approval process is smooth compared to iPhone app store.

Can someone share the experiences/suggestions/examples they've for releasing early and often to Android and iPhone markets?

Best Answer

There are two differences between releasing on your own or releasing through Apples App Store:

  1. It takes 1-3 weeks to get approved for updates. Often one week, sometimes two, occasionally three.
  2. You run the risk of having your update rejected for one reason or another, thus having to redo the release again. Approving rejections is quick (1-5 days)

So all this makes it impossible to make controlled releases quicker than three weeks. You are forced to plan your releases and deadlines much more thorough.

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