Agile – Scrum: How should conversations with the product owner be logged


I've just read the Scrum Guide as I have no experience with scrum and my team is starting to use the methodology. We use JIRA to record/track our issues, but a common process is that we get operational questions/requests through email or in person. We add those to JIRA as operational tasks (we don't have a development and operational team, everyone does both) and make note of what was done. Usually have an email thread asking all the necessary questions, or if talking in person just figure it out there.

What if I am working on a sprint task and I have a question about a specification? My understanding is that enough requirements to get started should be established in sprint planning, but nothing beyond that. Further requirements should be discovered and provided in a just in time fashion. Does the developer reach out directly to the product owner for an answer or go through the scrum master? Should this conversation happen in JIRA through commenting on the related task, or should it happen via email? If email, should a summary of the correspondence be recorded in JIRA for the rest of the scrum team to see and prevent the same question/issue being repeated?

Best Answer

First and foremost, your process should be adapted to what you feel works best for you. Having said that, I think there are some general guidelines that might help:

  • You should not involve the Scrum Master in the process of clarifying requirements with the PO. It introduces a dependency, and you might get blocked if he is busy. Furthermore, it makes your communication with the PO go through an extra layer, which is a recipe for misunderstandings.
  • If you have tasks with very little detail, you will have to synchronize with your PO more often, which might become an impediment if he is not available enough. So you have to adjust that level accordingly.
  • The communication works best when you have a quick feedback. So in person is better than chat, which is better than email. However, once you reach a conclusion, you should document it somehow in JIRA or somewhere else. Otherwise, other members of the team might not know what you discussed and may ask the same questions again. Also, that might be the only documentation you have regarding that particular decission.
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