Scrum – What to Do with Epics Once Stories Are Clear?


When working on a backlog, you define epics and break them down into user stories. Epics are estimated and kept on the backlog as epics until they become important enough to be planned into one of the next sprints.

But once an epic is split into sprintable units, what do you do with the original epic? Do you keep it with the stories until all are done? Do you retire them into some kind of epic archive? Do you just delete them?

They seem like unnecessary balast once the splitting is done.

Best Answer

This depends on your tooling somewhat. From a process standpoint, once the Epic has been broken down into Sprint-Sized stories that can be estimated, the original Epic (which had really been functioning as a placeholder in your backlog) can be discarded. If you are using index cards, tear that Epic up!

Ideally, the resulting User Stories should be independent of one another, so their Epic ancestry would not be important. But if you want to maintain a connection to the original Epic, many tools provide a way to link it. This can also be done in the User Story itself: "[Epic] As a System Admin, I need....".

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