Agile – Should a Product Owner be responsible for an initial prototype


Is it typical that a Product Owner (or even a BA) creates a high-level prototype/wireframe of a system based on the requirements document to ensure that the requirements are clear enough to start working on user stories for the UX & development teams?

I am currently being 'promoted' from a developer to UX designer and tasked with creating mock-ups direct from a requirements document, but the document is unclear on several aspects and have spent most of my time thus far doing what I would consider more PO/BA work of clarifying basic things in the requirements document. I am aware that this process is iterative and the UX/dev teams will probably need to discuss/clarify items during design & development, but is there some sort of 'minimum viable requirements' stage the PO is expected to deliver before this happens and how is this determined?

Edit for clarification: prototype here refers to a high-level visual aid created in something like Sketch, rather than a first revision implementation in code. In addition, in my example, no user stories exist, only a raw, incomplete requirements document.

Best Answer

I would say no. Considering that the PO should focus on defining business value. Having the PO creating prototypes kind of influences the teams development in technical terms. I think it is important that the business value is well defined, so that the team can implement it. Also, the act of creating a prototype is a learning experience, to figure out how to implement the business value, maybe even what the business value is. It would be a missed opportunity for the team not to do the prototyping. The interface between the team and the PO is the user story and the defined business value. Having the PO do the prototyping kind of softens that up.

This sounds to me like the PO used to be a developer, I've had that experience.

It is my believe as a scrum master, that the PO should NOT develop. Focusing on defining business value and maintaining a backlog is the product owners way of communicating with the team. (of course verbally all the time too, after all we are using agile principles)

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