Agile – Some team members don’t actively participate in Sprint planning


Some team members just wait until the stories they are most likely to work on will be discussed and only then they participate. Otherwise they just play with their phone and don't listen.

In some way I understand this position. Why listen to a discussion about a feature you are unlikely to help develop in the Sprint or ever?

What do you think we should do?

Best Answer

Stop code ownership. Make it equally likely for anyone in a team to work on any given task.

There will almost certainly be some kick-back on that, because developers get comfortable with a specific area of code, and with other people not looking over their shoulders. Also, management will see a problem with work taking longer than it might normally, because there's always a learning curve.

But it really is in everyone's best interests. Being indispensable is a two-edged sword. It starts becoming more difficult to get time off, in the evening, at weekends or to take holidays. And code-ownership is bad for a company because, when someone leaves, it costs more time than you've ever saved on small bits of knowledge transfer.