Agile – the bug workflow on your agile/Scrum team


What is the bug workflow on your agile/Scrum team?

Here is ours:
– If the bug is related to a story in the current sprint, we fix it.
– If the bug is not related to a story in the current sprint and it is not critical, it is sent to the product owner for prioritization.
– If the bug is not related to a story in the sprint and it is critical, we fix it.

Best Answer

Anything related to work in the current sprint is fixed, we don't even consider them bugs and do not write them up as such. We only consider something a bug if it is part of something we already considered Done.

When a new bug arises, we add it to the backlog and it get prioritized by our stakeholders. If we have time remaining in a sprint, we tend to tackle easier bugs that may have lower priority but are something we can complete in the time remaining.