Agile – the difference between user stories and features


Playing with icescrum, I realised that I do not understand the difference between user stories and user features.

Can someone explain the difference?

Best Answer

A feature is a distinct element of functionality which can provide capabilities to the business.

A story is a small aspect of a feature which you can use to get feedback from your stakeholders and find out if you're doing anything wrong.

For instance, a feature might be "allow users to comment on articles". The stories associated with that feature might then be:

  • save comments
  • filter comments for rude words
  • limit comments to 400 characters and feed back to users
  • add captchas to stop bots spamming the site
  • allow users to log in via Google id


At each stage we can then get feedback as to whether the direction we're taking is useful.

Some teams don't bother splitting features into stories. That's OK.