Scrum – Role of a Product Owner in Scrum


I am learning about Scrum and currently have a basic knowledge. I have a few questions about the role of the Product Owner in the Scrum process:

  1. What is role of Product Owner in daily Scrum, if he/she is part of this meeting?
  2. Product Owner is the person who is customer. A team member can be nominated as a proxy of product owner?
  3. Can we say that a Project Manager who directly interacts with customer is nominated as proxy of Product Owner?
  4. When we use term "External Stakeholders Engagement", are we referring to Product Owner or something else?

Best Answer

The Product Owner does not have an active role in the daily stand-up meeting in Scrum. He/she can listen in to get a sense for what is going on in the team and how they are doing on their commitment.
The Product Owner should remain in the background during these meetings and not speak up. If the Product Owner has grave concerns, the he/she should take that up with the Scrum Master after the meeting.
If the Product Owner is present, it is possible they get asked for some clarification on some of the stories. Even that should be postponed until after the meeting in order to avoid draw out discussions during the stand-up.

If the actual customer can't be present often enough to take on the role of Product Owner, then a proxy can be nominated. The most important characteristics for the proxy are:

  • They have sufficient insight in what the customer actually wants to convey that vision to the team
  • They have enough authority to make decisions on the spot and to defend those decisions both to the team and to the customer.

Especially the second point usually means that the proxy must be either a very senior developer or someone from management circles.

I am not familiar with the term "External Stakeholders Engagement" (which is not a term used in Scrum), so I can't say definitively how it relates to a Product Owner, but at first glance the aim seems to be the same.