Agile User Stories and Acceptance Criteria Explained


I am writing some agile user stories and acceptance stories for the first time, and was hoping for some feedback from an experienced product manager or developer.

I only need to capture the main points in the acceptance criteria.

User Story

AS A registered jobseeker, I WANT TO create and edit my CV on the user interface on my mobile device SO THAT employers and recruiters can view my career summary and contact details

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The user must sign into a registered account to create a CV

  2. The user cannot save a CV unless all the mandatory fields on the form are complete

  3. The user should be able to edit and delete the form at any time

  4. Data from the saved form is stored in the CV database

  5. Only registered Recruiters and Employers can view the users CV and contact details

  6. The jobseekers user account is linked and synchronised on both mobile and desktop versions

Does this acceptance criteria sounds suitable for the given user story? Is there any way they can be more focused, and if so how?

Best Answer

This is excellent. Your story makes sense, and you had a first shot at the acceptance criteria. Now, instead of checking it with this forum, check it with your team. Stimulate them to ask questions and extend the A.C. accordingly.

But since you specifically ask:

The Story:

  • I would omit the "in the interface" from my user story.
  • The story is potentially large. You could anticipate a split: (editing existing CV, creating new CV, viewing by recruiter).

The Acceptance criteria: If I were a team member at the planning meeting, I would ask more clarity about the following:

  • It is not clear to me how the recruiters will view the CV. Is this also on a mobile device? Does this already exist? Otherwise the team will need more details about this.
  • Which fields need to be implemented? Was this form already implemented in a web/desktop app? If so, then you can explicitly mention in your acceptance criteria that the mobile app should offer the exact same fields.
  • Any data validation on these fields (eg. can I just enter "X" day of birth)