Agile – viable alternative to the agile development methodology


The two predominant software-development methodologies are waterfall and agile. When discussing these two, there is often much focus on the particular practices that distinguish them (pair programming, TDD, etc. vs. functional spec, big up-front design, etc.)

But the real differences are far deeper, in that these practices come from a philosophy.

Waterfall says: Change is costly, so it should be minimized.
Agile says: Change is inevitable, so make change cheap.

My question is, regardless of what you think of TDD or functional specs, is the waterfall development methodology really viable?

Does anyone really think that minimizing change in software is a viable option for those that desire to deliver valuable software? Or is the question really about what sort of practices work best in our situations to manage the inevitable change?

Best Answer

Of course waterfall is viable. It brought us to the moon!

And it's a agile coach talking here!

Unless you can clearly identify problems related to the way you manage your projects, there is no valid reason to change.

As an alternative of Agile and Waterfall methodologies, I will suggest YOUR methodology. Adapted to your specific business, your specific team, your products, you way of working, your company culture... It's why Scrum is called a simple framework instead of a methodology.

Wanting to implement a methodology because someone on a blog you like talked about it is as stupid as letting problems going without doing anything.

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