Agile – What do you do to estimates for agile stories where developers are pair programming


If it was a 2-point story for one person, would you double it if people are pairing?

Pairing isn't always necessarily done 100% of a dev task, so it seems that doubling the story points seems wrong. And it might not be obvious how much of the task will require pairing until the end, so you wouldn't know what the points the story should be until you've finished – and it seems strange to change an estimate midway through a sprint.

However, if velocity is going to be an accurate representation of how much work we can get through during a sprint, it seems right to change the estimates if more than one person is working on a task. But also, this seems like it adds a lot of admin overhead.


Best Answer

The way I understand it, a story-point is an estimate of relative effort, not man-hours. The effort required of a story isn't going to change just because a pair is working on it, so it doesn't make sense for the story points to change...

Also, velocity is derived from the history of what got done in the previous sprint(s). If you pair on some stories and not on others, over time the average velocity will reflect your average sprint capacity, automatically taking into account your team's pairing habits. There's no need to manually adjust sprint estimates based on how much you think you're going to pair on certain tasks next sprint.

Indeed, it's these manual tinkerings that most often cause scrum efforts to be derailed, because nobody trusts the 'estimates' anymore, due to all of the 'gaming' of the numbers.