Agile Methodology – What Does It Mean to Be Agile?


We have a project that everyone says we will be doing in a agile way but I doubt we have clearly understood what agile is.

In previous projects we had planning meetings, then defined the product back log and allocated the work to developers in 2 to 3 week sprints. Every morning we had scrum meetings (which seemed to go on for 1/2 an hour each time) and each developer got on with it after that. Hardly anyone wrote any tests until at the end of sprint and work that was not completed was added on to the next sprint.

Developers hardly spoke to each other and there was no TDD involved in development. In fact most developers had a spec at the start and just got on with it for the 2 or 3 weeks the sprint was arranged for. There was hardly any communication with the client/stake holder.

QA got involved usually a few months later and by then we found missing requirements which further increased the amount of work we had to do. Clearly there was no feedback loop.

So my question is, where did we go wrong and how can I prevent the team from making the same mistakes.

Best Answer

What you are describing isn't Agile by definition (Agile Manifesto) it is Waterfall with daily status meetings. Agile means easily adapting to change, if there is no interactive feedback loop with the product owner and thus the customers, then what change is occurring?

Agile is about rapid failures, through constant communication with the product owner/customers. It is better to fail sooner than later, less work is done, and less is "lost". And you don't get stuck with the argument, that "we don't have time to do it correctly, since we spent so much time doing it wrong, we just need to continue on this same path, even though it leads to failure".

Sounds like your managment is doing "SCRUM, but ..." where the "but" is where they throw out all the SCRUM stuff that they don't understand or agree with and just do things the same haphazard waterfall way as always, but with new shiny buzzword names to it all.

In SCRUM the daily stand up is NOT about delivering status to management, it is to force developer interaction, so you know what your fellow team members are doing and can help each other out and not duplicate work. If it takes more than 45 seconds per person you are doing it wrong. It is about transparency for the team, if one person is giving the same status multiple days on something that should be a single days worth of work, the team can resolve the persons problem sooner than later.

If you aren't testing each others code as it is written, then you aren't doing it correctly either. Testing should be embedded into the process not an after thought. QA should be included in the planning sessions and give estimates on how long things will take to test.

If you are not meeting Sprint commitments and rolling things over, you aren't doing it correctly. Sprints are about commitments if you are committing to too much work, stop doing that, there is no way you can introduce any predictibility or repeatability if you can't accurately commit to deliverables.