Agile Scrum – What Happens If Sprint Goal Is Not Met?


I've been reading Scrum Guide and one part is missing for me.
What happens if Sprint Goal is not met at all?
Let's say the Sprint Goal is a big part of a functionality which cannot be broken into parts further so devs have, say 2 weeks (the Sprint duration) to accomplish it or not, but they fail to do it. What happens with this functionality?

  • Should it be tossed away? (unlikely)
  • Should it be continued in the next Sprint? If yes, doesn't it break the rule of creating an Increment of potentially releasable product in each Sprint and also the rule that the duration of Sprint is fixed (technically the rule will stand but practically there will be a Sprint of 4 weeks)?

Best Answer

The sprint goal should be placed back into the backlog and then reevaluated along with all the other stories in the backlog. In most cases, this will mean it will be prioritized to the top of the backlog and pulled into the next sprint. In theory, if business needs have changed since the backlog was last prioritized, it could be left for a later sprint or even thrown out. But the key concept is that it is just treated like any other story in the backlog.

If this happens often, you need to reevaluate how you are writing stories as this means you may not be creating fine-grained enough stories to be finished in a single sprint. But the vagaries of development mean that it will happen from time to time to even the best team.

(I have seen some teams react to this situation by splitting the story into two at this point, the first being the work that was completed and the second being the new work required. I dislike this because I think it makes things look artificially good after-the-fact.)

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