Agile – Why do we use story points instead of man days when estimating user stories


In agile methodologies (e.g. SCRUM), the complexity/effort needed for user stories are measured in Story points. Story points are used to calculate how many user stories a team can take in an iteration.

What is the advantage of introducing an abstract concept (story points), where we can just use a concrete measurement, like estimated man-days? We can also calculate velocity, estimate coverage of an iteration, etc. using estimated man-days.

In contrast, story points are harder to use (because the concept is abstract), and also harder to explain to stakeholders. What advantage does it offer?

Best Answer

I think one of the main advantages is that humans and developers specifically are actually pretty bad at estimating time. Think of the nature of development too -- it's not some linear progression from start to finish. It's often "write 90% of the code in 10 minutes and then tear your hair out debugging for 17 hours." That's pretty hard to estimate in the clock timing sense.

But using an abstraction takes the focus off of the actual time in hours or days and instead puts the focus on describing the relative expense and complexity of a task as compared to other tasks. Humans/developers are better at that. And then, once you get humming with those point estimates and some actual progress, you can start to look at time more empirically.

I suspect that there is also an observer effect that happens with time estimates that wouldn't happen with point estimates. For instance, the incentive to sandbag an estimate and deliver way "ahead of schedule" is going to be muted with indirection in a point based system.