Agile vs Waterfall – Handling Requirement Changes


Has anyone had this issue of a project defined as 'Agile' being overrun by requirement changes ? I work on a development project which is run in 4 weeks Sprint but there are always changes in between these Sprints . Is it still defined as Agile then ? I feel it's sort of a sub Agile process – The requirements of an Agile process should be defined at the beginning of a sprint and reviewed towards its end. Am I right in this? Please let me know your experiences in this .

Best Answer

The requirements of an Agile process should be defined at the beginning of a sprint and reviewed towards its . Am I right in this?

No, this depends on the nature of the project (and the process).

There are some agile development models where requirements are meant to be fixed during a sprint, and should only change for the next sprint (a prominent example is Scrum).

However, there are also processes where changes can happen almost any time (as long as the customer accepts the delays and the extra work which the change causes). Kanban is often used to manage these workflows (although Kanban can also be combined with Scrum).

Which model you follow depends on the details of each project.

So yes, if the customer feels they need the possibility of constantly changing the requirements, then an agile process can accommodate this. However, the customer should be aware of the consequences of constant changes, and should understand that they will slow down the project.

This boils down to the principles from the agile manifesto - "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools", and "Responding to change over following a plan".

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