Open Source – Do You Have to Distribute Modified AGPL Source Code?

agplopen source

I am looking at extending/modifying a web application licensed under AGPL for my own business. The program that I am modifying doesn't interact with the public, but with my employees who will be using the program. Specifically, the program manages our inventory, manufacturing, orders, etc.

If I modify the source code of the program, do I HAVE to 1) advertise to the public that I have modified the program and 2) publish the modifications (source code)? Can someone point to where it says so in the license? I have been looking at which explains that I can modify and that I can distribute, but my question is if I must.

Hopefully this makes sense, thanks.

Best Answer

You never need to publish anything with the (A)GPL. You only ever need to make available the source code to those persons to whom you also make available a binary (and with the AGPL also to those users whom you let use your binary over the network).