Algorithm for Exact Solution to the Travelling Purchaser Problem

algorithmsgenetic algorithmsgraph

do you know of any algorithms which give an exact solution for the Traveling Purchaser Problem. I can only find heuristic and probabilistic approaches.

I do have implemented a genetic algorithm so far, which by its nature does not terminate by itself an does not always yield the optimal result. Thus I'm looking for an exact solution to the problem such that I'm able to compare my solution to an exact / optimal value for a given test data set.

For those of you who haven't heard of the Traveling Purchaser Problem (TPP), this is not the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), but a generalization of it. It thus is also NP-hard.

Best Answer

The NP-Hard domain of problems means that, as far as current mathematical knowledge goes, the problem can only be solved by trying every permutation and choosing the correct answer.

If you can solve the problem more efficiently than the brute force method, you will win a Noble Prize in mathematics as a bonus. The best mathematicians have been working on a general answer to this problem for decades.

Perhaps as you are wanting to create a test data-set for your NP-Hard problem solver, your approach may be to design the test data backwards - rather than solve the NP-Hard problem, create an NP-Hard problem with a known answer - I don't even know if that is a NP-Hard problem on it's own.

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