Algorithm for appointment reminders


My program allows users to store appointments in a calendar. What has been requested of me is the ability for SMS reminders to be sent to people to remind them of their appointment. The SMS would need to be sent out about 2 days prior to their appointment.

I thought the best way to achieve this is to choose a time of the day (eg. midday) for the software to check to see which appointments are in 2 days time and then send out the SMS reminders to the people who have those appointments.

Would this be an advisable approach to this problem? Is it advisable to have this happen at one time of the day, or would it be better to somehow spread it out over a longer time?

I am assuming at this point that a background thread would be a good idea for this type of activity.

Best Answer

This Question should be proposed to the user, as the ramifications to the user far out way the technical concerns.

The frequency that you call your process should have very little baring on the design.