Algorithm for Finding Overlapping Times


Part of our ERP system is a sub-system for running background jobs. We track a variety of meta-data about our jobs in a table including timestamps for submitted, started, and end times.

I'm creating a report showing the performance of our job system, detailed by day. One KPI is maximum # of jobs running at once. The algorithm I'm currently using is:

dim cnt as integer    'number of overlapping jobs
dim max as integer    'maximum number of jobs running at one time

for each Job where 
         Job.SubmitTs = today

  'bJob is a 2nd instance of Job
  for each bJob where
           bJob.SubmitTs =  today and
           bJob.StartTs  <= Job.EndTs and
           bJob.EndTs    >= Job.EndTs
    cnt = cCnt + 1

  if cnt > max then max = cnt

The problem with this algorithm is that it is very slow due to all the looping. I was wondering if there is a faster way to implement this?

I cannot use SQL queries to access the data.

Best Answer

  1. Include all the start and end points (in time) of the Jobs in an array (this creates 2*N elements (1 for start 1 for end))
  2. sort the array ordering by the timestamp of the event,
  3. then iterate over the (2*N) elements as follows:

    for each element X 
      if(X.type == start)
      ans=max(ans, counter);

Complexity: O(n.log(n)) for initial build of the sorted structure + O(n) for the iteration through its elements.

Edit: It has been suggested by Giorgio that an array is used, which is a better option. (The suggestion originally was to use a red/black tree, but no task removing capability seems to be needed, so maintaining order is trivial).