Algorithm – Recursive Evaluation of Postfix Expressions


I'm reading Sedgewick's book on algorithms in C and I'm looking for an algorithm to evaluate postfix expressions (addition and multiplication only) without using a stack. I tried to implement one but I always get nowhere.

I have a simple C implementation for prefix evaluation

int eval()
  int x = 0;

  while (a[i] == ' ')
  if (a[i] == '+')
      return eval() + eval();
  if (a[i] == '*')
      return eval() * eval();
  while ( (a[i] >= '0') && (a[i] <= '9'))
    x = 10*x + (a[i++]-'0');
  return x;

and I was wondering if it's possible to do something as elegant as this but for postfix evaluation.

Best Answer

I wouldn't exactly call using a global variable as a string index counter 'elegant', but in a nutshell: No, you can't, because you have no idea how to combine the various numbers you find until you get to the operators. Until you do, you have to store them somewhere - and to get the right result, whatever your storage strategy is will ultimately boil down to stack semantics.

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