Code Reviews – Optimal Amount of Code for Review


In my experience, most teams in the company review the code of team member with a small amount
of code, always less than hundreds of lines. Is it appropriate to review large amount of code, for example a module, when the code is complete and ready to get reviewed once for all?

Best Answer

The reason for the small code reviews is to maximize effectiveness.

Studies involving the Personal Software Process have found that reviewers are most effective, with respect to maximizing defects identified in the review, when they review no more than 150-200 source lines of code per hour. Given that empirical data, it becomes a matter of determining how long people can stay attentive. I don't have any empirical data, but I know my mind begins to wander after about 1 hour of reading something. To me, that indicates that code reviews should review less than 150 lines of code at a time.