Websockets and Protobuf – Determine Message Type from Byte-Array


Protobuf is nice and dandy, but it was not made with self-description in mind. Now this is totally okay if you're using a well-defined protocol and want to replace e.g. SOAP-messages or just want to replace a restful JSON API or the like.

However I would like to use it over a Websocket though and instead of closing and reopening it up again and again under different urls – which defeats the point of the websocket – I would like to keep it open and send different messages over the wire as Byte-arrays!

Now my problem is simple yet a bit complex to solve. I want to send an arbitrary message from client to the server (or vice versa) and the receiver should simple determine which type of message it got and how to interpret it.

In pseudocode this would look like so:


Message m = new Auth().withUserName("Sorona").withPassword("TotallyNotMyActualPassword")



Map[Type, Handler]

receiveMessage(Message m) {


trait Handler[T] {
  def handle()

So what I truly want is two things:

1) Be able to determine the actual type of Any message without (dramatically) increasing the message size.

2) Be robust and extendable

For a new message type I simply want to add a handler and be done.

No hardcoded enums I have to maintain, no switch-case structures I have to adopt etc.

In simple OOP this would be fairly easy but with Protobufs I am kind of stuck.

Any hints?

Best Answer

What I came up with so far:

message Root
    string type = 1;
    google.protobuf.Any content = 2; 

message Dog
   string name = 1;
   string fav_food = 2;

message Cat
   string name = 1;
   uint32 colors = 2; 

Then somewhere (shared file, database etc.) I create a map like this:

val mapper: Map[String, Class] = Map(
  "Dog" -> Dog,
  "Cat" -> Cat

On the sender I would do:

val nero = Dog().withName("Nero").withFavoriteFood("Raw meat")
val msg = Root().withType("Dog").withMessage(Any.pack(nero))

and on the receiver side:

val r = Root.parseFrom(msg)
val a = r.message.get.unpack(mapper(r.type))

That's basically the plan. I would then introduce my own builders that have the types (e.g. "Dog" or "Cat") hardcoded and would also add another mapper between a class/messagetype and a handler.

But I guess if I come that far and it works (currently it doesn't because I am using Scala.js and it looks like the Any.pack is not supported there right now) it will be a totally different story ;)

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