Architecture – Application layer vs domain layer


I am reading Domain-Driven Design by Evans and I am at the part discussing the layered architecture. I just realized that application and domain layers are different and should be separate. In the project I am working on, they are kind of blended and I can't tell the difference until I read the book (and I can't say it's very clear to me now), really.

My questions, since both of them concerns the logic of the application and are supposed to be clean of technical and presentation aspects, what are the advantages of drawing a boundary these two?

Best Answer

I recently read DDD myself. When I got to this section I was pleasantly surprised to find out I discovered the same 4-layer architecture that Evans did. As @lonelybug pointed out, the domain layer should be completely isolated from the rest of the system. However, something has to translate UI-specific values (query strings, POST data, session, etc.) into domain objects. This is where the application layer comes into play. It's job is to translate back and forth between the UI, the data layer and the domain, effectively hiding the domain from the rest of the system.

I see a lot of ASP.NET MVC applications now where almost all the logic is in the controllers. This is a failed attempt to implement the classic 3-layer architecture. Controllers are difficult to unit test because they have so many UI-specific concerns. In fact, writing a controller so that it isn't directly concerned with "Http Context" values is a serious challenge in and of itself. Ideally, the controller should be just perform translation, coordinate work and spit back the response.

It can even make sense to do basic validation in the application layer. It's okay for the domain to assume the values going into it make sense (is this a valid ID for this customer and does this string represent a date/time). However, validation involving business logic (can I reserve a plane ticket in the past?) should be reserved for the domain layer.

Martin Fowler actually comments on how flat most domain layers are these days. Even though most people don't even know what an application layer is, he finds that a lot of people make rather dumb domain objects and complex application layers that coordinate the work of the different domain objects. I'm guilty of this myself. The important thing isn't to build a layer because some book told you to. The idea is to identify responsibilities and separate our your code based on those responsibilities. In my case, the "application layer" kind of evolved naturally as I increased unit testing.