Android Architecture – Designing a Carpool Logical Architecture

androidArchitectureweb services

I'm designing a carpool system (drivers can publish their routes and passengers can subscribe to them) with WebServices(axis2) and Android clients (ksoap2).

I have been having problems with the logical architecture of the system and I wondered if this architecture is fine.

enter image description here

And another question: for that architecture (if it is ok), how would be the packages structure?

I suppose something like that:

(In android)
package org.carpool.presentation
*All the activities here (and maybe mvc pattern)

(In the server)
*Public interfaces (for example: register(User user), publishRoute(Route route) )

package org.carpool.domain
*Pojos (for example:,, etc)

package org.carpool.persistence
*Dao Interface and implementation (jdbc or hibernate)

Best Answer

Yes, IMO that architecture is awesome, and I would recommend it (not that that means much, lol). It has worked for me in the past and present ... Although my experience was on the .net side of things (MVC / WCF / POCO / ENTITY|MSSQL) .. but form an architecture level, the layering is nearly identical.

great idea.. good luck

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