Clean Architecture – Is the Input Boundary Necessary?


In Clean Architecture boundaries are interfaces, which I model in Python with abstract classes. The input boundary, which is between the controller and the interactor/use case does not need an interface in my opinion, since it just executes the use cases coming from a "higher level". Is this true?

Other boundaries make sense to me having interfaces, because they decouple from the implementation of my presenter/database/api etc. and because they are called from the use case. If I want to interchange the database for example I just use my interface (my abstract class) in order to implement a new database call.

enter image description here

Best Answer

While it's true that the controller to interactor boundary isn't helping you invert a dependency, that isn't why it's there. The reason it's there is this:

• High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

That's from the Dependency Inversion Principle. All it means is that it's nice to have a stable definition of the mini language that the two volatile concrete modules will communicate through. It means they don't have to know about each other. Just about the mini language. A fully abstract class that isn't bound to any destabilizing implementation details satisfies this just fine.

DIP and Clean Architecture are very closely linked. I mapped the Clean Architecture UML onto DIP here