Architecture – Domain Objects with Interfaces


I'm in a situation where part of my system has a dependency on another module in the same system, but the modules themselves need to remain independently deployable, where the parts they depend on would be filled in with another implementation.

A module in this instance is the concept of a bunch of components that all contribute to servicing a business function. The system is also built in C#.

So, where I depend on another module, the source module defines an interface describing the functions it needs the dependent party module to implement. The contract types (domain model objects) are also interfaces for the dependent module.

Here is where it gets a bit hazy to me. The dependency inversion principle doesn't sit well in my head at this point. Both of those "modules" are of the same importance as each other. Which should define interfaces and force the other to reference it? I'm suspecting a 3rd project sitting between the modules that handles setting up the dependencies (probably a DI container). Should the entities in the modules be interfaced? They are simply bags of get/set (no DDD here).

Can anyone offer any guidance here?

Thanks in advance.

Edit 1:

The project structure:

   Module1 implements IModuleOneServices


   ModuleTwoDataObject - has property of type ModuleOneDataObject

   Module2 implements IModuleTwoServices
       depends on IModuleOneServices

Module2 needs to be deployable by itself, and remains compilable, and sometimes, run without a Module1 present at all.

Best Answer

Hmm, sounds like you need a glue module. How about an orchestrator which knows both the modules and can mediate between them? The modules themselves needn't know each other then.

Another option is to put the "shared" classes in a shared library that both the modules can depend on.

This is not exactly dependency inversion but why would you follow that approach dogmatically. I suspect that you are building an application with those two modules so a top down approach is fine here imho.

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