Code Quality – How Do Huge Open Source Libraries Maintain Code Quality?

Architectureclean codecode-qualitycode-reuselibraries

I'm still inexperienced to write high quality code, so I read books addressing the issue such as Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, and keep checking code of well-known libraries to improve my skills.

Although many open source libraries have been maintained for years, which means that it's very unlikely that they aren't on the right path, I found the code in many of them to be far from the principles addressed to write clean code – e.g methods containing hundreds of lines of code.

So my question is: Are the principles of clean code too restricted, and we can do without them in many libraries like these? If not, how are huge libraries being maintained without considering many of these principles?

I'll appreciate any brief clarification. I apologize if the question seems to be silly from a newbie guy.


Check this example in Butterknife library – one of the most well know libraries in Android community.

Best Answer

Good answer here already, but let me say a word about your butterknife example: though I have no idea what the code does, at a first glance, it does not look really unmaintainable to me. Variables and method names seem to be chosen deliberately, the code is properly indented and formatted, it has some comments and the long methods at least show some block structure.

Yes, it does in no way follow Uncle Bob's "clean code" rules, and some of the methods are sure too long (probably the whole class). But looking at the code I still see enough structure so that they could be easily "cleaned up" by extracting those blocks into methods on their own (with a low risk of introducing bugs when using refactoring tools).

The real problem with such code is, adding one block and another block and another block works to some degree, sometimes over years. But every day the code gets harder to evolve a little bit, and it takes a little bit longer to modify and test it. And when you really have to change something which cannot be solved by "adding another block", but requires restructuring, then you will wish someone had started to clean up the code more early.

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