Architecture – IEC 62304 compliant Architecture definition


I am currently tasked with creating a software architecture for compliance with IEC 62304. These regulations are notoriously vague, and do not provide any real substance as to what is required for a "software architecture". The standard states

The manufacturer shall transform the requirements for the medical device software into a documented architecture that describes the software's structure and identifies software items.

Now I went to an applied computer science school, so the vast majority of my teachings were around how to actually write code and working on projects, so as far as I can remember, we never covered anything involving creating software architecture diagrams.

I've already basically written all of the software, but for regulatory submission purposes I need to create this documentation for the project.

So in short my question is this: What exactly does a "software architecture" consist of?

Best Answer

Software Architecture looking at the software from a high level. This will focus on how different software components interact with each other. It also consists of how outside systems can interact with your software system, or if you even allow outside systems to interact. If you think of how a building architect does by designing a building, a software architect will design a software system. This involves documenting the software system. Some examples of how to document would be to create a requirements document, use case document, class diagram, state diagram, interaction diagram, help files to name a few.

As far as how much detail to use, I would say you will want to use enough to effectively portray what the system is supposed to do and what different messages mean when the system is not doing what the client is trying to do. They will need help documents and a glossary of terms, specially error messages.

For your team, I would use the requirements and other various documents to specify how the system works. This will help greatly with maintenance and enhancements. The requirements will help guide the team to determined when you have a finished, working product.

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