Architecture – Microservices and stored procedures


Are stored procedures considered bad practice in a microservice architecture?

Here are my thoughts:

  • most books on microservices recommend one database per microservice.
    Stored procedures typically work on a monolithic database.

  • again most microservice architecture books state that they should be autonomous and loosely coupled. Using stored procedures written, say specifically in Oracle, tightly couples the microservice to that technology.

  • most microservice architecture books (that I have read) recommend that microservices should be business oriented (designed using domain-driven design (DDD)). By moving business logic into stored procedures in the database this is no longer the case.

Any thoughts on this?

Best Answer

There is nothing that explicitly forbids or argues against using stored procedures with microservices.

Disclaimer: I don't like stored procedures from a developer's POV, but that is not related to microservices in any way.

Stored procedures typically work on a monolith database.

I think you're succumbing to a logical fallacy.

Stored procedures are on the decline nowadays. Most stored procedures that are still in use are from an older codebase that's been kept around. Back then, monolithic databases were also much more prevalent compared to when microservices have become popular.

Stored procs and monolithic databases both occur in old codebases, which is why you see them together more often. But that's not a causal link. You don't use stored procs because you have a monololithic database. You don't have a monolithic database because you use stored procs.

most books on microservices recommend one database per microservice.

There is no technical reason why these smaller databases cannot have stored procedures.

As I mentioned, I don't like stored procs. I find them cumbersome and resistant to future maintenance. I do think that spreading sprocs over many small databases further exacerbates the issues that I already don't like. But that doesn't mean it can't be done.

again most microservice architecture books state that they should be autonomous and loosely coupled. Using stored procedures written say specifically in Oracle, tightly couples the microservice to that technology.

On the other side, the same argument can be made for whatever ORM your microservice uses. Not every ORM will support every database either. Coupling (specifically its tightness) is a relative concept. It's a matter of being as loose as you can reasonably be.

Sprocs do suffer from tight coupling in general regardless of microservices. I would advise against sprocs in general, but not particularly because you're using microservices. It's the same argument as before: I don't think sprocs are the way to go (in general), but that might just be my bias, and it's not related to microservices.

most msa books (that I have read) recommend that microservices should be business oriented (designed using ddd). By moving business logic into stored procedures in the database this is no longer the case.

This has always been my main gripe about sprocs: business logic in the database. Even when not the intention, it tends to somehow always end up that way.

But again, that gripe exists regardless of whether you use microservices or not. The only reason it looks like a bigger issue is because microservices push you to modernize your entire architecture, and sprocs are not that favored anymore in modern architectures.