Are design patterns frowned upon


I had a discussion with one of our senior developers who's been in the business for 20 years. He's pretty well known in Ontario for a blog he writes.

The strange thing is what he told me: he said that there is a piece of code that is a nightmare to work with because it was written from a textbook, and doesn't account for the real world. Adding a new field to the UI/database/Data layer takes 2-3 hours to do, whereas in his code it takes 30 minutes.

The other thing too is that he avoids design patterns because most programmers don't understand them and they are not good from a maintenance perspective.

Then there's also the idea that most web developers in Canada prefer to have their data model inherit from the Data Layer classes, rather than keeping it isolated. I asked him, "Isn't it industry standard for the model to be separated from the data layer?" He said sometimes, but most people here prefer not to do that because it's too much work.

It sounds like his reasoning for not coding using best practices is because it's a maintenance nightmare, few of our employees understand it (besides myself), and it's slow to work with if you need to push out new features or fields in a few days' time.

It's so strange hearing an opinion like this, considering that Stack Overflow mostly encourages people to follow industry standards. Is the problem that we are constantly forced to churn out new fields and features in a matter of days, that it's not possible to deduce a solid pattern that is flexible enough? That seems to be the gist of what I understand from this.

What do you make of these statements?

Best Answer

These are the words of someone who has found success and ignores people that try to tell him what to do in pattern jargon that he doesn't understand.

Design patterns and best practices are not the same thing. Some people think they are and drive people who know what they're doing nuts. Even if they don't know the proper name for what they are doing.

Design patterns existed before they had names. We gave them names to make talking about them easier. A pattern having a name doesn't make it a good thing. It makes it a recognizable thing.

This guy is likely using patterns neither one of you ever heard of. That's fine, until you need to talk to him about how something is done. He's either going to have to learn how to talk to you or you're going to have to learn how to talk to him. Has nothing to do with who is "right."

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