Frameworks for Drawing with CSS – Available Options


I realize this sounds silly. Let me explain:

I just came across this page about using CSS elements to create shapes- square, circle, triangle, star, yin-yang (yin-yang!), etc. using pseudo elements.

Having struggled with HTML5 Canvas drawing in the past, I immediately thought that some combination of JavaScript and CSS pseudo-elements should be able to draw just about anything.

So I first googled "CSS Fractals". No dice. Then "JS Fractals". Some dice, but not what I was looking for.

Am I crazy, or is there potential here? jQuery can add and remove elements from the DOM by the thousands all day long. It seems to me that–given the existence of triangles via pure CSS–there is potential for a nice drawing mechanism (2D and 3D) sans Canvas.

Any thoughts, frameworks, tutorials, white papers, etc would be appreciated!

Best Answer


This is what I think you have been looking for.

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