Automation at GUI or API Level in Scrum


I am a Automation Engineer. I use QTP for Automation.
I wanted to know couple of things.

  1. In a scrum Project which has 2 weeks of work, how can complete automation be done in that time frame (talking only about the GUI Level)?
  2. Similarly, how can API Level of automated testing be accomplished, especially inside a single sprint? And what exactly is API level testing?
  3. How to begin with API Testing? I assume QTP is not the tool here certainly.

Best Answer

You don't try to "complete automation". Instead, you have stories just like everyone else. You might have stories strictly for automation, or better, automation is part of the acceptance criteria of a user story.

You are (or should be) part of a team for which automation is part of what is delivered. Your work doesn't stand apart from your team. Together you should decide what you can deliver as a team.

A two-week sprint shouldn't mean "we can write the code in two weeks", but rather "we can write the code and test it in two weeks". If you can't do that in two weeks, either you need simpler stories, better team members, or longer sprints.

As for API testing, pick an appropriate language and start writing code that calls your API.