Algorithms – Average Number of Comparisons for Sort Algorithms


I need to write different sort algorithms such as

  • bubbleSort

  • insertionSort

  • selectionSort

  • quickSort

  • mergeSort

And measure how many average comparison does each one for N number (averaging between N! tests). But I need some final results to compare my program results.

Is there any table giving the average of comparisons of these algorithms for a few N numbers?

This is what I have got for average of array length 10:

    Selection sort: 63
    Bubble sort: 49.4144
    Insertion sort: 31.5
    Merge sort: 31.6667
    Quick sort: 30.7706

Best Answer

Is there any table giving the average of comparisons of these algorithms for a few N numbers

The exact number of comparisons needed may depend on the specific implementation of the algorithm, not on the algorithm itself, and so will the average number. So even if you find something like what you requested, I find it very unlikely that you can compare it directly to your implementation of the algorithms.