HTML – Best Practices for Storing HTML from Text Fields in a Database

htmlsql server

I have an application that allows users to edit certain parts of text and then email that out. My question is what is the best way to store this in a Microsoft SQL Server database. Right now I have two tables, one holding the HTML data and one holding the plain text data. When the user saves the info, it replaces newlines with br's and puts it in the HTML-conntaining table and then puts the regular text in the other table. This way the text box has the newlines when they go to edit, but the table that contains the HTML data, has the BR's. This seems like a silly way to do things. What would be the best practice? Thanks.

Best Answer

It's not silly at all.

Consider the following possibilities:

  1. Store just HTML. That 's silly! Once stored this way, editing it would be painful: you either should decode it, or simply forbid any edition or force users to write HTML.

  2. Store just text. It may work. Until, maybe, you find that converting text to HTML is the bottleneck¹ which slows your application down. For small scale apps, this approach is still ok and probably the easiest one.

  3. Store text and HTML. That's what you've chosen, and it has the benefits of both previous approaches: editing content is simple, and at the same time you don't slow the application down by doing the conversion every time the page is generated.

If there is a thing which is annoying, it's the fact that you are using two tables. Why not keeping this data in a single table, with one column for original text, and another column for HTML?

¹ Remember one rule: don't guess what is slowing the application down: use a profiler. Discussing which approach is faster is good for an informal talk with your friends, but not a good approach to develop a scalable application without doing unnecessary work. My example of saving HTML vs. generating it on the fly, for example, is only good in theory. In practice, (1) you'll cache the results anyway, and (2) maybe, who knows, loading the data from the database may be much slower than generating HTML.

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