Best practices for testing backbone.js apps with jasmine

continuous integrationtesting

I've recently started using jasmine to do javascript unit testing. loving it so far.

one of the projects i'm working on is a plugin for backbone.js. since backbone is an mvc style framework for javascript, a lot of what it does is view manipulation – typically through jquery. my plugin is no exception to this. i have several things being manipulated in html elements, through backbone views.

right now, i am doing what might be some awful stuff to make this worth with jasmine. here's an example of how i'm laying out my tests:

describe("conventionBindings", function(){
    this.model = new AModel({name: "Some Name"});
    this.view = new AView({model: this.model});


  describe("... that thing it does ... ", function(){
    it("... stuff .... ", function(){

The important bits here, are the beforeEach and afterEach. notice that i'm calling my view's render method, and then my view's close method.

here's what those methods do:

AView = Backbone.View.extend({
  render: function(){
    this.html = $("");

  close: function(){

i'm specifically adding this "close" method to my view for the tests, because if i don't, then the jasmine page that i'm viewing when i run the jasmine test server would show the inputs that i've appended to the body of the page.

so… here's my questions:

is this a horrible thing to be doing? should i be testing my views and html element manipulations in some way other than appending elements to the body of the page?

right now i don't have a need to run these tests in any kind of CI server, but if i do, what kind of problems will i run into? how can i write better jasmine tests, so that i can test my backbone plugin in a CI server, knowing that the plugin has to manipulate html elements during the test?

Best Answer

I found this article a great resource for getting started with testing jasmine.

Testing Backbone applications with Jasmine and Sinon

In his write-up he's specifically appending elements to the page using setFixtures. So a similar method and it's the way I've used in the past. As far as best practice we might want to see how others feel about this method. I can't think of another way to perform the rendering without putting it on the page.

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