Version Control – Best Version Control Habits for Solo Developers

solo-developmentversion control

I'm a sole developer at my work and while I understand the benefits of VCS; I find it hard to stick to good practices. At the moment I'm using git to develop mostly web apps (which will never be open sourced due to my work).

My current workflow is make lots of changes to the development site, test, revise, test, be happy and commit changes, and then push the commit to the live site (so if I'm working on a big new change; I may only commit once a week; but my IDE has a good undo history for uncommitted stuff).

Basically, I'm only using git when switching between machines (e.g., work dev computer to home dev computer or to live machine), but during the day I don't really see the benefit. This leads me to have long laundry lists of changes (and I have trouble finding good msg for each commit; and whenever I'm in a rush – I tend to leave crappy messages like 'misc changes to admin and templates').

How often should I be committing? Should each one-line change get a commit? Should I commit before any test (e.g., at least for syntax/compiling errors and then have to totally undo it; as the idea didn't work or the message is a lie)?

Should I make sure I commit each morning/afternoon before I stop working for dinner while its still fresh? What I am missing out on by having bad VCS habits?

Best Answer

You are missing a lot.

I'm solo too, in a way. I commit every time a make a significant change, or before I start a significant one so I can go back if I screw things up, and every now and then even if I'm not making anything big. Not everyday really, but close. Sometimes a few times a day.

What I get is that I can go back anytime I want. Which is a lot. Also, having the branches ordered helps.

I guess it gives me a lot of order.

I'm using svn, and I'm getting sick of it. But cannot spend more time learning anythings else.

Good luck.

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