Branching Strategy for Test Environment

branchingversion control

We will be starting a new project this month. The project will be 1 year and production deployment will only occur towards the end of the project.

We will be doing iterative development (1 month per iteration), so this means we will drop features to Test environment at the end of each iteration for QA testing.

Our branching strategy is:

  1. Trunk – All development will happen on trunk.
  2. Feature Branch – Branches off trunk will be created on a per need basis for development of large features which could potentially be breaking if done on trunk
  3. QA Release Branches – At the end of each iteration, a branch of trunk will be created. This branch (which includes a version number) will be released to Test environment. All critical and blocking bugs found in this version will be fixed on this branch and fixes will have to be merged to trunk. Non-critical/trivial bugs will not be addressed on the QA release branch and will only be fixed in trunk since the QA release branch will be thrown away after the end of the next iteration where a new release branch will be created off trunk.
  4. Production Branch – this will be the latest QA release branch at the end of the project. This will be tagged and all production bug fixes will be on this branch and merged to trunk.

Is this a correct branching strategy? Is there anything else that we've missed to consider?

We're using SVN.

Best Answer

Your branching strategy looks really good to me. I have done the same strategy in the past and it works fine. Draw it up on a whiteboard and get all your devs to understand it so that people do the right work in the right branch. Teach and explain to everyone the switch command and get everyone to doublecheck the branch that they are working on. (Or alternatively just check out the entire repo... depending on your code size :) Remember... svn revert is your best friend!

Personally I prefer one person to be the "merge/branch" person (with a few backup people as reserves) to ensure that everything is kept under control and consistent. Let that person become your SVN guru and you'll be away.

A few other helpful hints:

  • Encourage frequent SVN updates and SVN commits. Every day is preferable.
  • Cross branch merges should also be done every day, or alternatively whenever a bug is fixed. Do them early and do them often! (you'll get good at it real quick).
  • Get a good diff tool - beyondcompare is ace. The standard tortoiseSVN one... not too good.
  • Don't check in stuff that changes upon compilation (like your output directory)
  • Try to clean up your repo before you start branching (get rid of files that don't need to be under version control - things like external libraries etc). The smaller your repo, the better
  • Changes to your Production branch and QA branches should be as small and short as possible - don't start refactoring code there, just fix the bug.
  • Make sure you branch from the top level of your solution - and if you have a DB I hope you've scripted all of your DB stuff (like stored procs or triggers)

Also tell people not to move folders around unless it's strictly necessary. This will make your merging much easier :) (Don't do what I did, launch upon a massive directory restructure halfway through a huge change to trunk which screwed up all of our merges... I was pretty popular after that).

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