Testing Theory – Bug: Deviation from Requirements vs Expectations


I am not clear on this one. No matter the terminology, in the end the software fault/bug causes (according to a lot of sources):

Deviation from requirements
Devation from expectations

But if the expectations are not in requirements, then stakeholder could see a bug everywhere as he expected it to be like this or that..So how can I really know? I did read that specification can miss things and then of course its expected but not specified (by mistake).

Best Answer

But if the expectations are not in requirements, then stakeholder could see a bug everywhere as he expected it to be like this or that..So how can I really know?

You know what is in the requirements by reading the requirements. (There may also be unstated requirements; i.e. things that were so obvious that nobody bothered to write them down. But these can be problematic: see below.)

You know what the user's expectations were / are by asking the user.

Whether an unmet user expectation is a "bug" is really a matter for discussion between the stake holders.

Unfortunately, a lot of less than scrupulous software suppliers / contractors will play hard-ball over reasonable user expectations that are not written requirements. But the flip-side is that some less than scrupulous customers are prepared to play cost / blame shifting games by pretending that expectations are unstated requirements.