Builder Pattern – How to Verify Required Fields Before Runtime


A language agnostic approach since I see this problem in both compiled and interpreted languages with the builder pattern.

Let's say I have a Model that has 10 required fields and 5 optional fields. Of course, adding all these fields to the constructor would be a mess, but the constructor would allow us to easily check for failure because it can verify the types of the fields and that all the fields are provided.

Using the Builder pattern, we can make this code much cleaner to read and write, but as far as I see, it'd be hard for the compiler or IDE to know that a required field hasn't been provided.

For instance, let's say email is required:

instance = new Model(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber);

The compiler, or other forms of checks, can see email is not provided so it can fail since the constructor defines email as a required parameter.

instance = new ModelBuilder()
            ->withName(firstName, lastName)

Here, the compiler, as far as I know, cannot tell that withEmail() should have been called in order to define the email which can lead to a runtime exception if you have one instance of the Builder that is missing a required field.

Is this unavoidable? Is there some pattern that can be used to solve this problem?

Beyond making sure every instance that uses Builder has test coverage, I haven't been able to come up with a solution to the runtime exceptions. This problem seems to present itself more when the model has a new required field added after the builder instances have been implemented across the application.

Best Answer


In the builder, you are free to define the return types of the methods. It is often the builder itself, but it doesn't have to be. You can define additional interfaces.


IBuilderMail WithName()
IBuilderPhoneNumber WithMail()
IFinalBuilder WithPhoneNumber()

Here we define like a linked list the next allowed operation. You can also be less strict about if you like and maybe have a group of optional parameters in IOptional.

If you have many interfaces you can consider making you builder implement them all and do a downcast when returning for indicating the next operation in order to keep things simple.

It is also useful when configurering a service for a specific implementation.

new Builder()
    .ConfigureForPostGreSql() // returns PostGreSql specific type