Bundling OpenJDK with a proprietary application allowed by GPL


I am currently making a video game in Java that will most likely be distributed through Steam. Of course, many Steam users won't have Java already installed in this case. If this happens, I can either have a small native launcher that shows an informative dialogue telling the user they need to install Java, or simply bundle my own Java runtime environment (specifically OpenJDK 8) with my game. My game will be closed source, however it is based on an open source (BSD licensed) game engine.

I did look though OpenJDK's license. It is a GPL project which means that anything linking to it needs to be GPL as well. However, they also have the classpath exception. I'm not sure if the linking portion applies because my code isn't linking to it any more than it would be with or without bundling it. As far as I know, the classpath exception doesn't cover this use case.

There is a similar question on Stack Overflow, however that refers to the situation where an application is developed with OpenJDK, I am referring to distributing with OpenJDK.

Best Answer

This is an important question, especially when you consider the fact that Oracle has changed their licensing and distribution agreements starting with Java 9, 10, & 11.

JDK --> Java Development Kit.

JDK's are not a 'runtime' distribution -- A JDK is a developer's distribution that happens to contain a runtime as part of the bundle. JDK's are not 'freely distributable' by the developer, they are licensed to the developer. If you read the EULA for your JDK, you will see that it comes with restrictions on re-distribution.

JRE --> Java Runtime Engine.

Runtime's are (almost always) free to download and distribute provided you adhere to the EULA for the JRE.

JDK's and JRE's are licensed and distributed separately and independently of each other.

Finally, you need to know that you are generally not allowed to distribute 'parts' or components of a JDK either -- this means that you are not supposed to extract the JRE from your installed JDK and distribute or bundle it separately.

The best practice is to separate development from deployment.

  • You develop on a JDK and deploy the project
  • The deployment has a dependency on a JRE
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