C# – Abstract Exception Super Type

abstract classcexception handling

If throwing System.Exception is considered so bad, why wasn't Exception made abstract in the first place?

That way, it would not be possible to call:

throw new Exception("Error occurred.");

This would enforce using derived exceptions to provide more details about the error that occurred.

For example, when I want to provide a custom exception hierarchy for a library, I usually declare an abstract base class for my exceptions:

public abstract class CustomExceptionBase : Exception
    /* some stuff here */

And then some derived exception with a more specific purpose:

public class DerivedCustomException : CustomExceptionBase
    /* some more specific stuff here */

Then when calling any library method, one could have this generic try/catch block to directly catch any error coming from the library:

    /* library calls here */
catch (CustomExceptionBase ex)
    /* exception handling */

Is this a good practice?

Would it be good if Exception was made abstract?

EDIT : My point here is that even if an exception class is marked abstract, you can still catch it in a catch-all block. Making it abstract is only a way to forbid programmers to throw a "super-wide" exception. Usually, when you voluntarily throw an exception, you should know what type it is and why it happened. Thus enforcing to throw a more specific exception type.

Best Answer

I don't know the actual reasons why it was done this way, and to a certrain degree I agree that preventing infintely wide exceptions from being thrown would be a good thing.

BUT... when coding small demo apps or proof-of-concepts, I don't want to start designing 10 different exception sub-classes, or spending time trying to decide which is the "best" exception class for the situation. I'd rather just throw Exception and pass a string that explains the details. When it's throw-away code, I don't care about these things and if I was forced to care about such things, I'd either create my own GenericException class and throw that everywhere, or move to a different tool/language. For some projects, I agree that properly creating relevant Exception subclasses is important, but not all projects require that.

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